Continue reading “The Ditch Doc EM Podcast: Episode 1- Here, Hold My Adenosine and Watch This!”
3 Steps to Making the Valsalva Maneuver Effective.
Ask just about anyone what they think about the Valsalva Maneuver, and they will all probably tell you just about the same thing; “It works, sometimes”. Here are 3 easy steps you can take to double your chances of success when using this infrequently successful technique. Continue reading “3 Steps to Making the Valsalva Maneuver Effective.”
5 Fast Facts Friday
Welcome to the very first edition of 5 Fast Facts Friday! This is a segment that will become available every Friday, and will include, just as the name implies, five fast facts. There may be a theme to this weekly post, or it may include five completely random puffs of FOAM. My goal with Ditch Doc EM has been to keep each post as brief as possible, but you can be sure that 5F³ will be faster than the ticker of a WPW patient on cocaine! Continue reading “5 Fast Facts Friday”